God has been waiting in His patience to have the people He loves - actually love Him in return. He sent His Son (Jesus Christ) to pay the price for our sins. He sent His Word and His Spirit into the world to lead us to Him self and to enable us to be obedient to Him through a growing love for Him – a love which He provides through His Grace for anyone willing to repent and turn to Him. But now God is done waiting.
Instead of returning all our love to God as He requires, we (the church) have ended up loving ourselves and everything else more then Him. God wants to give us all the spiritual riches of Him self, but instead the church has chosen to love the riches of this devilish earthly realm. He wanted to give us authority over all the earth, but instead we have decided to go the easy way and be a slave to the devil’s authority. God wanted to give us an eternity of everlasting life in glory with Him, but instead the church has chosen an eternity of death by being satisfied with what only this life could offer – even these things are temporary and will parish in fire. The church has not been humbled before God and has not made Him Lord, but instead has chosen ourselves to be our own god.
Now is the time for God’s wrath! God will no longer hold back the great consequences of our sins. We have loved money and depended on money instead of depending on Him. God will now pull those mighty dollars right from under our feet – to show us all that we have been blind and deceived. The worldly church deserves an eternity in hell, unless we fully humble ourselves and repent of all our evil desires.
God wanted and made everything possible for a pure righteous church to brightly shine His glory to all the nations, but we have turned the church into a mockery of God. The church has turned into a religion of man’s likes and understandings, instead of a glorious lighthouse pointing to and serving Him. Instead of the church being set apart for God’s glory and purpose, it has become dark like the rest of this selfish and evil world. Today’s church on a whole has become the enemy of God, because it has become friends with the world and shares in its selfish, sinful and evil schemes.
James 4:4-5 - You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.
The church has committed adultery – it has loved the world instead of staying with the church’s one true love, which is God. We say we love God, but almost all our time is spent loving the world and what it has to offer. We don’t only absorb ourselves into the selfish love with this world, but we also teach our children these same evil desires that God hates.
God is angry with the so called “church”. God is truth and all truth originates with God, but the church has turned His precious Gospel into a deception that is now preached from most pulpits to have people believe these lies as being the truth. Over the centuries the Gospel has been lightened up and changed so much that it no longer has saving powers. The Gospel was changed so that more people would come into the church and not be offended by hearing that their life style was filled with sin. Because these lies have been preached for centuries now, they have been believed as truth and have replaced the true Gospel – even though the Bible has many, many conflicts with this new fake gospel. This new gospel teaches that we don’t have to live a holy and righteous life by the power of God’s grace; instead it teaches that we just have to try to live holy and righteous. This new gospel teaches we can never live a holy and righteous life, so we can only try and when we try, we will fail. This makes God angry. God did not send His Son to die on the cross and send His Spirit into the world so we would still be bound to live a sinful life like the Old Testament Jews. Because of this false gospel teaching, most of our churches are filled with unconverted partial believers. What a blind worldly church we have become. The church has become an abomination to God.
The worldly church we see today no longer loves God’s Word. The church has taken and accepted the scriptures they want to believe in and have rejected all the rest of God’s Word. By doing this, we have rejected God. The Word and God are inseparable. The Word is God and the Word describes God. If we have the Word in our hearts, then we have God in our hearts. But because today’s church only believes a part of God’s Word, this results in people only having a part of God inside them instead of the fullness of God. The only way to heaven is having a fullness of God in your heart – not partial.
God says He will return to judge the world when it is like the days of the great flood.
Matt 24:37-39 - As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood , people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
Before the flood, God could not find enough righteous people, so He killed them all except Noah and his family. Do you think all those unrighteous people He killed went to heaven? That is how it is now. There are so few people living holy and righteous lives before God. This is why God wrath is coming upon us. We have chosen death and that is what God is sending to us.
God sees a very small percentage of true believers in most individual churches. These believers have searched and found God even though they have been surrounded by lies. He is calling these true believers to study His Word and bring back the truth to the church or they might also be caught in the devil’s trap of lies and be lost forever along with the rest of their unrighteous friends. If these worldly churches are unwilling to listen to God’s truth, then leave those people. It is better to come out from under the lies of these worldly churches and become and stay a part of the true remnant church of God – even if this means you must stand alone for God by doing this.
2 Cor 6:14-15 - Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?
God’s Servant,
Michael Reid
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The Church Must Repent
What has happened to God’s church? Jesus warned us about His future church and how it will stray away from Him and His truth.
2 Tim 4:3-5 - For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.
Well, that time is here. The so called church will no longer listen to or adhere to sound biblical doctrine. The church has turned into a worldly religious club where people come to have there own desires met instead of being obedient to God’s desires and commandments. Everyone has found the church that will preach what they want to hear with no regard to whether it is the biblical truth or not. Most are requiring to hear that they are saved regardless of whether they are obedient to God or not – or regardless of whether they really love God or not. To accommodate these fake salvation beliefs that enable all to believe they are saved, many lies and myths have been introduced and believed as truth and has replaced God’s truth.
When God’s light is shown – it easily displays what has been hidden in the dark. I am not the light, but I have the light of God living inside me. God’s light has been turned on in my life and has shown that what we call the church today is very much lacking. It is lacking in God’s truth, lacking in God’s love, lacking in obedience to God, and lacking in reverent fear of the all mighty God. But the church does have a lot of worldly deceptions, selfishness, pride, and a teaching that there are little or no consequences to our sin.
The current church of our day has turned the Gospel of Jesus Christ into a lie by changing word definitions and by adding or subtracting words from the scriptures as they see fit. These false teachers will be punished by God’s wrath, but what about the people they are misleading. This is where God has called me and others like me to proclaim the real Gospel. If anyone repents and turns and believes the real truth of God, they will be saved.
I have tried to work with many pastors and leaders of the church, but most have been so entrenched into believing the lies of the devil, that I have determined there is little hope in working with the current leadership of the churches. I am still open to working with any church leaders that become open to the true Word of God. But for now, I must try to reach as many people as are willing to believe the truth, so that they will believe and experience the true salvation of our Lord and Savior.
Below are some of the main deceptions plaguing the church:
The first and greatest deception in the church is that a person is born again and saved onto eternal life from the beginning of their relationship with God. Being born again by the filling of the Holy Spirit is a decision that God makes when a person displays to God that he/she is worthy to receive His Holy Spirit. God will not fill you with His Holy Spirit until you have been cleansed of all your selfishness and pride. A mark of a person that has been born again of God is that they no longer willfully sin against God. So if you are still willfully sinning against God – you are not born again.
The next greatest deception is that a person can enter a pure sinless heaven when they die even though they still have sin in their heart and soul. If you have not been born again by the time you die, because you have not totally died to your sinful nature – you will not be allowed to enter heaven because of the sin still left in your soul. No unclean or sinful thing will enter God’s eternal heaven.
Another deception is that a person doesn’t have to be totally obedient to God’s commandments to be eternally saved. The deception comes out of people thinking that obedience to God is a works and then they quote the scriptures that say we are not saved by our works. Obedience IS NOT A WORK of ours. It is a direct indication of how much we love God. Obedience is a byproduct of our love for God. When we truly love God, we will die to all of our own sinful selfish desires and only try to please God. If we love God, we will be obedient to His commandments. When God sees that we are trying to be only obedient to Him – out of us loving Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength – then He will send His Holy Spirit into us to mark us as His for eternity. It is only after we show our love for God through our obedience that God will claim us as His sons/daughters in Christ.
This next deception is the result of the previous three deceptions. Since the current church teaches lies that a person is born again from the beginning of their sanctification process, and that a person that still has the sinful nature can enter heaven, and that a person does not have to be obedient to God’s commands to enter heaven – then people believe the lie that there are no eternal consequences for their sin. This makes people feel a fake security in their eternity and that all fear of hell and God’s wrath is eliminated. They are only believing lies and fooling themselves. This lie of the devil has been believed and has worked greatly in the devil’s favor. We have to fear God to bring us to a true full salvation. You see the devil knows if he can get people to believe that they are born again from the start without being obedient to God – then all that believe this lie will stop searching for God and in turn will not find Him. People end up not searching for that full relationship with God because they have been convinced they don’t need to search any further – because they believe they are saved already. This is why most of the people in our churches today are not born again and not saved. They have short circuited their salvation by believing a lie and have never really been converted into a true disciple and a true child of God.
Your servant in Christ,
Michael Reid
2 Tim 4:3-5 - For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.
Well, that time is here. The so called church will no longer listen to or adhere to sound biblical doctrine. The church has turned into a worldly religious club where people come to have there own desires met instead of being obedient to God’s desires and commandments. Everyone has found the church that will preach what they want to hear with no regard to whether it is the biblical truth or not. Most are requiring to hear that they are saved regardless of whether they are obedient to God or not – or regardless of whether they really love God or not. To accommodate these fake salvation beliefs that enable all to believe they are saved, many lies and myths have been introduced and believed as truth and has replaced God’s truth.
When God’s light is shown – it easily displays what has been hidden in the dark. I am not the light, but I have the light of God living inside me. God’s light has been turned on in my life and has shown that what we call the church today is very much lacking. It is lacking in God’s truth, lacking in God’s love, lacking in obedience to God, and lacking in reverent fear of the all mighty God. But the church does have a lot of worldly deceptions, selfishness, pride, and a teaching that there are little or no consequences to our sin.
The current church of our day has turned the Gospel of Jesus Christ into a lie by changing word definitions and by adding or subtracting words from the scriptures as they see fit. These false teachers will be punished by God’s wrath, but what about the people they are misleading. This is where God has called me and others like me to proclaim the real Gospel. If anyone repents and turns and believes the real truth of God, they will be saved.
I have tried to work with many pastors and leaders of the church, but most have been so entrenched into believing the lies of the devil, that I have determined there is little hope in working with the current leadership of the churches. I am still open to working with any church leaders that become open to the true Word of God. But for now, I must try to reach as many people as are willing to believe the truth, so that they will believe and experience the true salvation of our Lord and Savior.
Below are some of the main deceptions plaguing the church:
The first and greatest deception in the church is that a person is born again and saved onto eternal life from the beginning of their relationship with God. Being born again by the filling of the Holy Spirit is a decision that God makes when a person displays to God that he/she is worthy to receive His Holy Spirit. God will not fill you with His Holy Spirit until you have been cleansed of all your selfishness and pride. A mark of a person that has been born again of God is that they no longer willfully sin against God. So if you are still willfully sinning against God – you are not born again.
The next greatest deception is that a person can enter a pure sinless heaven when they die even though they still have sin in their heart and soul. If you have not been born again by the time you die, because you have not totally died to your sinful nature – you will not be allowed to enter heaven because of the sin still left in your soul. No unclean or sinful thing will enter God’s eternal heaven.
Another deception is that a person doesn’t have to be totally obedient to God’s commandments to be eternally saved. The deception comes out of people thinking that obedience to God is a works and then they quote the scriptures that say we are not saved by our works. Obedience IS NOT A WORK of ours. It is a direct indication of how much we love God. Obedience is a byproduct of our love for God. When we truly love God, we will die to all of our own sinful selfish desires and only try to please God. If we love God, we will be obedient to His commandments. When God sees that we are trying to be only obedient to Him – out of us loving Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength – then He will send His Holy Spirit into us to mark us as His for eternity. It is only after we show our love for God through our obedience that God will claim us as His sons/daughters in Christ.
This next deception is the result of the previous three deceptions. Since the current church teaches lies that a person is born again from the beginning of their sanctification process, and that a person that still has the sinful nature can enter heaven, and that a person does not have to be obedient to God’s commands to enter heaven – then people believe the lie that there are no eternal consequences for their sin. This makes people feel a fake security in their eternity and that all fear of hell and God’s wrath is eliminated. They are only believing lies and fooling themselves. This lie of the devil has been believed and has worked greatly in the devil’s favor. We have to fear God to bring us to a true full salvation. You see the devil knows if he can get people to believe that they are born again from the start without being obedient to God – then all that believe this lie will stop searching for God and in turn will not find Him. People end up not searching for that full relationship with God because they have been convinced they don’t need to search any further – because they believe they are saved already. This is why most of the people in our churches today are not born again and not saved. They have short circuited their salvation by believing a lie and have never really been converted into a true disciple and a true child of God.
Your servant in Christ,
Michael Reid
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