Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The devil Has Us Right Where He Wants Us

I am very saddened for our country. As a country (people and government), we have went the devils ways by letting our country kick out God and His morals out of almost every aspect of our lives. This has let our pride, selfishness, and love for everything evil take precedence in our life. Well, now we are seeing some of the consequences of all this come to pass. We are seeing corruptness in every aspect of our lives. We have come to the point where we can’t trust anybody or any government to look after our well being. Almost everybody has turned to greed and will not stop at hurting others in order to get ahead themselves. We asked for this by turning our backs on God. If there are no Godly morals to live by – then there will be nothing to protect us from a society without morals and goodness. Without Godly goodness and morals to live by, all we have left is evil in the form of selfishness and pride.

For hundreds of years we were a Christian based country and it was those Christian based beliefs that brought blessing to this country. But now we have kicked out God and given our country over to the devil. People are now so lost into the devil’s lies that our nation will never again be the bright shinning light of this world. Instead we have become the nation that invites every kind of evil and even leads in spreading this ungodly evil around the world. The Godly values and morals that my generation grew up in are long gone and my generation had less Godly values and morals than the previous generations. I fear most of our children will not even have the chance to really become Godly people, because they are collecting so much worldly and selfish baggage along the way that they will never be willing to let go of this evil world. They will never be able to see the goodness of God through the eyes of selfishness. It is so bad - that I would suggest for any true Christians and their children to flee this corrupt nation, but as far as I can see, there is no place in this world that this evil hasn’t permeated itself.

Our economy is currently at its breaking point because of these evils in our country. The current republican president has turned out to be the most socialist president we have ever had. He has been put into a choke hold by the devil into thinking he has to nationalize our banking system and other big businesses. The devil has brought us to the point where everything has failed and we are willing to give away all of our future as a free country in order to save the current economy. After all, in this day of instant gratification, we expect everything to be fixed immediately. No one is looking out for the long term future of our country. No one is saying – how did we get here? No one is realizing where we went wrong. Almost no one is willing to say we have really messed up things and that we need to return to our country’s foundations – which are returning to Godly morals and ways.

At this time, I am not asking for our nation to turn to God and repent of our ways, because the people of this country are not yet ready to repent of their evil ways. There will be a point where some people will see the truth through all this, but for the majority of our nation – they are already lost to the devil forever. Our nation is now one of those great empires that have fallen and will go in the history books with all the other empires that have risen and fallen because of how they have corrupted themselves. We have corrupted ourselves by believing the lies of the devil, and why have we believed the lies of the devil – because we wanted to believe them.

The good news in all this is - for any people that still want to believe in the true God and His goodness; I want to assure you that He is still there and in total control. God is letting the people of this earth have the desires of their hearts. Each individual chooses whether to search out the goodness of God or the evil of the devil. If your heart is still yearning for total goodness, then Christ is still willing to fulfill those desires of your heart. But the bad news for the world is - if your heart desires to get your selfishness fulfilled, then the devil will gladly oblige you.

God’s servant and yours,
Michael Reid

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