As we see almost everything going in the wrong direction – the way of evil. As we see our country being taken over by socialist ideals. As we see millions of babies aborted each year. As we see a lot of our churches go the way of the world. As we see God, His Word and His morals being stripped from our nation. As we see everything being viewed as relative with no truth as a base. As they teach us that there are no consequences for sin – because they teach there is no sin. How do we fight this war?
The first thing we must understand is that this is a SPIRITUAL war. This is not republicans against democrats. This is not a political war. This is a spiritual war against Christianity (against Christ). This is a spiritual war against God. The big question is what part are we playing in this war? What side are we on? If everyone that called themselves a “Christian” was actually acting out true Christian beliefs, we would not be in this mess. The fact is “Christians” have stopped being Christians.
The best way to fight this war is realize that the church is very sick, “Christians” must repent and turn back to God’s ways. This is a war on what we believe. Are we going to go along with the lies that have infiltrated our lives or are we going to start believing again in God’s scriptures as the infallible truth that holds and preserves everything that is good. Without God’s truth and love in action nothing will get better, it will only get a lot worse.
Every person acts on what they believe. The ones spreading evil (selfishness and pride) are only acting on what they believe. The evil person really believes they are acting out what is right, for they are reasoning it out as good in their own mind. We cannot try to make an evil person do good when what they are currently doing what is right in their own mind. On the other side of the coin, a true Christian also acts on what they believe. An evil person cannot make a true Christian do evil when what they are currently doing is good and right in their own mind. A Christian knows what is good and protects that goodness for the sake of God and others.
So what do you believe? What part are you going to play in these war games? Are you going to be a person that is led by God’s Spirit and rely on God’s Word alone or are you walking the fence of good and evil? We are getting to a point in time when no one will be able to straddle the fence. Either you will want and choose evil or you will want only God’s goodness and love. This is what God’s intentions are. If you are a Christian, then you will need to live a Christ like life and be a bright shinning star to the world. If you want to hold on to your selfish ways then accept that you are not a Christian until you want to live by God’s love.
We have to stop being so politically correct. We cannot call a person a Christian if he/she is not striving to follow in Christ’s foot steps. We cannot call a person a Christian just to make them feel good or not hurt their feelings. If we do this we are only keeping the lies of the devil going and allowing that spiritual sick person to think they are not sick. A person has to realize they are sick before they want to get better.
One of the most damaging symptoms hurting the growth of the church is people that say they are Christians, but act like the world. No one wants to join a religion that is filled with hypocrites. People are looking for the real thing and we must be true Christians and show them that true light. This is how we fight this war. This is a spiritual war and it is time we fight in the Spirit (God’s Spirit). Are you ready to die to your spiritual selfishness and put on God’s Spirit? If yes, then you must repent and kill your selfishness so that God can fill you with His Spirit. There is no other way to become a true Christian. It is through our acting out our faith through our obedience that will bring God into our life. If we say we have faith, but are unwilling to act it out through our obedience, then we have no faith. If we cannot act on what we say we believe, then we really don’t believe what we say we believe. Let’s stop fooling ourselves and stop trying to fool everyone around us. Let us take a good look at our selves. Are we living and fighting this spiritual war for God’s glory or are we wimpy in our beliefs and still living for ourselves?
There is only one way to fight this war against evil, and that is showing and proclaiming God’s love and light to this sick world. It is not by making more laws to try to make evil people do good. It is by evil people turning good. This war is not fought with guns, ships, and planes, but by spiritual good overcoming spiritual evil. Our tools for war are prayer, faith, obedience, love, and then more love. We cannot afford to be hypocrites, for it is too costly to God, us, and the world.
There will be consequences for the evil the human race has already done, but through the ashes there will arise the faithful ones and the ones they bring along with them.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
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