Sunday, December 20, 2009

Two God's

As I look back on my life and look at other people’s lives and beliefs, I see that there seems to be two gods. There is one God that represents the fullness of His Word and another god that is a lighter version of God, kind of like a “god light”. God light is a god for our day; he is not as burdensome, intrusive, or restrictive on our busy lifestyle as the full version of God. He is truly a more up to date god that we can adapt into our life and the world we live in. God light doesn’t have the weight of all the words of the bible, just a subset of God’s truth. With god light, people of god no longer have to carry all of God’s word around in their hearts, but only the ones that seem to work for them. This is a god that is small enough to fit in your pocket, on a key chain, or even on a cross that hangs around your neck. He is also a god that can be put down for awhile, you know, when you need to carry around other things instead. God light is a perfect fit for our modern age. Also, god light is politically correct. He doesn’t put down or condemn anyone that is gay, an adulterer, or anyone that is sexually active out of marriage. He doesn’t require us to love others either. We can keep taking care of “number one”. There is more flexibility in god light’s eyes because everyone is accepted and loved the way they are. After all god light created us with these sinful tendencies toward these things, so they must be OK with him. Since Christ paid for the sins of the whole world, then what ever we do is covered by the blood of the Lamb, right. So god light’s view on this is that we are all sinners and we will always be sinners. With this modern god, we no longer have the requirement that was required under the full version of God, which was to have all sin conquered in our life. Now people that follow god light only have to try not to sin, but when they keep on sinning against God, it’s OK, because after all, no one really needs to become perfect like Christ anymore. This is considered an outdated and unrealistic requirement for the age we live in.

Becoming perfect as God is perfect is not realistic thinking for most Christians today. God (the full version) requires a person to give up all of them self to become perfect, but this is just too much to ask. If people were to give up all of themselves, they would not be themselves anymore and then who would they become. People today want to keep their individuality, and make their own mark in history. Most people are happy with god light instead of the fullness of God in their lives. People don’t want an all powerful God. They aren’t looking for a God that has no limitations and that can conquer every sin in their life. To take every sinful thing away from them is too costly, so god light is a good compromise. God light is a limited god, he doesn’t try to take your sinful nature away from you, but he does try to comfort you from the consequences of the sin. So for most people, god light has become a perfect fit for our society. It is like god light is always there to help us along our journey in this world.

I have also noticed that there must be two heavens (two different eternal life places). There must be one heaven for the people that believe in the full version of God and then another heaven for the people that follow god light. You see, God requires everyone that enters His heaven to make themselves pure, blameless, and without sin by the power of His love, but god light will let anyone into his heaven that has been forgiven by the Lamb. With god light, it doesn’t matter if you still have a sinful nature and are still sinning, just that you know you are forgiven. God’s heaven is without any sinful thing, but god light’s heaven will be filled with sinful things since sinful souls are let into it.

I want to tell you, I have had experience with this “god light” when I was younger. The relationship between god light and I worked out for awhile. He was helping me get my desires met. He blessed me with money, so that I could buy most of the things I thought I needed. I gave my life to god light and was working and reaching out for every worldly pleasure he would give me, but something was still missing. I couldn’t seem to find true contentment. I wanted to have a deeper relationship with god light, but he seemed so allusive. God light didn’t seem to want a relationship with me; he just kept pulling me closer to him, but I never felt any closer, just more abandonment. So I started reading more of the words he had told me before. God light had told me some of God’s word, but only bits and pieces. After searching and studying God’s word, I realized it was not god light I needed, but the real true God, the full version God. I realize now that god light never told me the full word of God, because he knew I would find a true love relationship with God within God’s word. He knew I would turn from him to have the true love of God living inside me. For me, there is only one God that matters. I’m so glad I read and believed the full version of God’s word instead of just keeping with the lighter version.

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