Monday, February 15, 2010

How Stupid Have We Become

God’s Word says the world is blind to His truth. It has been made very clear to me that it is our selfishness that makes us blind (spiritually blind). There are so many people that have become very smart in worldly temporal things, but have in turn become so very dumb to the real eternal truths of God. It is our own selfishness that ends up making us stupid towards anything eternal and/or any things of real value. In essence, we don’t understand God’s truth, because our selfishness won’t let us accept His truth. God’s truth is really very simple to understand, but because we want to preserve our selfishness, we won’t accept it. If people were to accept and understand God’s truth for what it says, everyone would realize how devastating their current circumstances really are. We would realize who God is, and see for ourselves who we really are. By comparing God to ourselves, we would realize that we are nowhere close to being worthy of God and His kingdom, but rather equal to the dust of the earth. This is what His Word is supposed to do. If we humble ourselves to what His Word says when we realize we are without Him in us, then we will seek His righteousness instead of our own, but this is not what is happening. We have become proud and our selfishness will not allow us to understand God’s Word as truth anymore. We have changed His truth to suit our own evil desires. We have made truth a relative item so that we can change it when ever and to what ever we want so that we can feel good about ourselves.

So, how stupid has our selfishness made us? We have become so dumb down by the devil’s lies (the lies our selfishness gladly accepts as truth) that we don’t even have common sense anymore. What is going on in most of the churches of this world is mind boggling to any sane person. Even people that don’t go to church can see that there is something really wrong with the churches. And we wonder why people don’t come to church, or keep coming to church. They see the hypocrisy between what they already know about goodness and what the church people actually do.

Somehow the churches now believe that a Christian is a sinner and always will be a sinner. I hear this directly from most church goers and even most of the pastors. If this is the case, what makes the churched people any different then the un-churched people? If the un-churched (worldly) people are mostly sinners and the churched people are mostly sinners, what’s the difference and how does this glorify God. If we are to believe that once a sinner, then always a sinner, then what hope does a sinner ever have to be freed from their sins and to be freed from the consequences of those sins? Now many churched people will say they are forgiven for their sins and are going to heaven. Have we become so blind and lost all common sense to believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross so that sinners can be comforted in their sins and that all forgiven sinners can now go to heaven even though they still have a sinful spirit. How ridiculous is this kind of thinking. This kind of thinking has resulted in most churches becoming a sinner’s support group instead of churches that are filled with saints. Also, heaven is where no sin is allowed, so how stupid can we be to think that God would let sinners that are still full of evil in their spirit to enter His perfect sinless domain. People seem to think that the selfish spirit of a person is only in the physical flesh, so they think that when they are separated from the flesh of the body that they will be pure, selfless, loving, righteous, and perfect like God. Again, they are only being fooled by the drinking in of the devil’s lies. It is true that the physical flesh tempts our souls (spirit), but it is our selfish spirit (selfish soul) that takes up on the temptations of the body. Our spirit is not contained within the flesh, but our spirit is made up of our spiritual heart and soul. It is our heart and soul (our spirit) that continues on into eternity. It is only the ones without any selfishness left in their heart and soul that will enter heaven. If a person is full of God’s selfless love, then they are of God’s Spirit, but if anyone still has selfishness in their soul, then they are still of the devil.

So what is the bottom line? Are we going to keep on thinking that Christ paid the cost for all our sins so that we can feel comforted while we keep on sinning, or does God have a bigger plan that most are not willing to accept? Anyone that has not yet been totally blinded and made totally stupid by the devil’s lies will come to the correct answer. Anyone with any common sense left will know that Christ would not have come and died on the cross just to comfort people in their sins and then allow those sinners into His pristine heaven.

Christ came to pay for the sins of the whole world so that anyone in the world could enter into a relationship with Him so that He could be their very own High Priest. Having our sins paid for by Christ does not give us a key to heaven, but having our sins paid for by Christ does allow us to have a relationship with Him. It is through this relationship with Christ as our High Priest that we can grow into a person like Christ. What Christ did on the cross for us allows Him to interact with our evil/selfish spirit to make us into a pure, blameless, and selfless loving spirit. This purification (sanctification) process can only be completed in this life while we are still living in the flesh, but this sanctification process cannot be completed in anyone that is unwilling to let their selfishness die. Sadly we already know by God’s Word, that most will not be able to let their selfishness die in order to let Christ’s life live in them, but God has given us all the same choice. For the ones that strive to have God’s goodness and righteousness in their life, those people will be rewarded with what they have strived for. But for the ones that want to hold on to their selfishness, it is those people that will receive the consequences of that evil they so dearly held so tight to.

By having Christ as our High Priest, we have been given all the power of God’s grace to overcome any and all sin, but most have rejected this power of God’s Spirit in order to keep their own evil selfishness. Most have decided to keep evil in their life even though Christ has made available to them the power to rid themselves of all unrighteousness. Out of the mouths of most church going people you will hear that they agree that God is an all powerful God, but in the same breath they will say that God cannot rid anyone of their selfishness. In a way they are right, God will not rid a person of their sinfulness as long as they want to hold on to it. In John 5:2-9 we see a man waiting for a chance to be healed and sitting by the pool of Bethesda and Jesus asks him "Do you want to get well?" Jesus asked this of the man because Jesus is unwilling to heal anyone that does not want to be healed of their iniquities. So, God has the power and wants to rid us of all our evil/selfish spirit, but it is because of our own selfishness that we will not let go of the evil. If anyone is willing and wanting to die to all their selfishness, then God will rid them of all unrighteousness (all evil) and fill us with His righteousness, which is His pure unselfish love.

It is because of the selfishness of people that people have changed God’s truth to a different truth, to the truths of human selfish reasoning. We have become so blinded to God’s real truth that we now think a sinner is a Christian. This is actually blasphemy to the true meaning of the Christian name and also degrades Christ down to being a sinner. A Christian is a person that has been made Christ like and lives by the Spirit of Christ that is inside him/her. To say a Christian is a sinner is the same as saying Christ is also a sinner, because a Christian is living by the Spirit of Christ alone. Some will say that a Christian has both the full Spirit of Christ and also the spirit of the devil (selfishness) inside them, but don’t believe them, this is a lie of the devil and a selfish person believes this because they want to believe it. If anyone has not killed their selfishness by the power of God’s grace that was made available though the cross, then they are still of the devil and cannot be called a Christ like person. A Christian does not live by selfishness any longer, but only by the love/Spirit of God that has been given to everyone that has truly been born of God.

Michael W Reid

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