The majority of the US was wrong in believing in Barack Hussein Obama! But that is not all that we have been very wrong about!
In the far past, the majority of people in Noah’s day thought they could do any selfish thing they desired without any consequences for their sins. God destroyed them all except for Noah’s family.
In the past, the majority of people were wrong in building the Tower of Babel. They were of one language, thought, and desire. They thought they could do anything. God showed them that they were very confused!
During Abraham’s time, the majority of the people in the cities of Sodom and Gomorra were fooled into the lies of the devil and became very evil. They thought they could delight themselves with every kind of sexual sin they could imagine - Much like many people in our society today. God destroyed them all!
During Moses’ time, the majority of the Egyptians thought they could be gods and rule over and enslave other peoples. Through Moses the real God showed His mighty power and crushed the Egyptians!
During the Roman Empire time, the majority of the Jews (God’s people), misread and misunderstood the scriptures and were looking for a physical earthly kingdom rule to come from God. So they rejected Jesus Christ and put Him on the cross and crucified Him! God showed them they were very wrong and brought forth a spiritual kingdom in the hearts of men.
Now during our times, the majority is wrong again. The church has been broken into as many different denominations as there are opinions. There is very little unity in the church today. Somehow we accept that every differing view of scripture can be the right views, depending on who is interpretating the scriptures. So, in essence we no long have one unifying truth, but as many truths as we want to believe. The church has lost the truth and can no longer show the way for the lost to find true salvation. For this reason, the church has been dying and will continue to die until it comes back to the truth. Through much agonizing struggles to bring the real truth of God’s Word to the church, I have found that even God’s elect, the true born again Christians, cannot bring themselves to believe the true Word of God anymore. The church has become corrupt with the deceptions from within its man made traditions and cannot seem to return to the real truth. The church is supposed to be the salt of the world, but it has lost its saltiness. The church is meant to flavor the world with God’s love and truth, but instead the world has flavored the church with worldliness and deception.
So where is today’s churches going wrong? It is the lack of truth in the gospel that they are preaching. God’s Word says we are set free from our sin by believing in His truth, but this gospel truth is not being proclaimed.
Today’s churches proclaim that no one can ever be totally free from their sinful nature. They teach that a person will always retain their selfish nature and this sinful nature will always have a certain amount of control over a person, even a born again Christian. So people come into the church to be freed from their sinful ways and be a new godly creation only to be told they will never be free from their sinful nature and its consequences. What kind of hopeful message is this? If everyone retains their sinful nature and the consequences from those sins, then what have they gained by coming into the church? Can you guess why our churches are dying?
God’s truth says that when a person is born again (born of God), they are a new creation of God and the old selfish man is gone. This is not taught correctly in today’s churches, because most people have been brainwashed by centuries of church traditions that a person is born again at the initial sanctification point. A person is not born of God at their initial sanctification point, but at the end of the person’s sanctification, when they are totally set apart for God. It happens when a person actually loves God with all their heart and soul. It happens when they have given themselves over to God as a living sacrifice, when they have died to all their selfish ambitions to live for God alone.
If the people of a church are told they can never be free from their selfishness and that they are already born again even though their life still has sin, then the devil has won, because most of these people will not go further and search out God to truly be born of God. The devil is very happy when people are only being partially sanctified, because partially sanctified people will not be able to enter a sin free heaven. The devil knows a person has to be totally sanctified to have eternal life, so a church full of people that are partially sanctified and also think they are going to heaven is all part of the devil’s evil plan. The sad part is that most churched people believe these deceptions.
So, the church as we know it today, a church that is riddled with the traditions of man, must be allowed to die. Unless Christ’s final return happens soon, we must look at rebuilding the church from its foundations, the foundation being the true Word of God. There is only one God and one truth. The truth is not what we want it to be. It is what it has to be – whether we like it or not. The truth is not what we experience, but represents what we need to experience. The truth is not some sort of thing that is relative in time, but is the same in all times. So let us cast away all our selfish reasoning, traditions, and personal experiences (which could be of God or of the devil). We must let the church of today die away, because all of today’s churches have been deceived. They are teaching some truths interlaced with lies from the devil. Let us get back to the real truth, His righteousness, and His holiness. Anyone that follows the current churches of our day might have a small chance of actually becoming a real born again Christian, but the chances are very slim. We need to return back to God’s real truth so that we can be His real church again and bring many more into His eternal kingdom.
Michael W Reid
Saturday, August 21, 2010
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