Thursday, April 10, 2008

Do We Have A Reason To Be Angry With A Sinner

When someone sins and it causes you pain or loss, do you think you have a reason to be angry with that sinner?

Do you expect anybody not to sin if they have not been born again?

How can a born again believer still love and show love to a sinner when that sinner’s sins are causing hurt and loss? It is through Jesus’ love only which is flowing through you.

When we love others the way God loves us, we can love the person (soul) and hate the sinful act of the sinner. Most of the time we try to stop the sinful acts that a person does by condemning the person. We need to remember the root of the sins, which are of a spiritual nature and not so much a physical problem. We must except that a sinner is going to sin. So do we love the sinner anyway and overlook the sin so in the process of loving them we might bring them to Jesus Christ. What did Jesus do?

Rom 5:8 - But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Then are we not called to die for the sinners too? Yes we are, we die to our own selfish needs and desires for the welfare of others. When we forgive other people for their sins against us, we are also accepting the consequences of their sinful acts upon ourselves. We must be willing to take on and accept the hurt and/or loss to ourselves for the wrongful sinful acts of others. If we are going to truly love people, we must be involved with people. If we are involved with other people we will be hurt and suffer loss by those people.

We must be willing to suffer from the sinful acts of other people in order for us to truly show Jesus’ love to others. Looking past a sinner’s sin and truly loving them with God’s love is how we show God’s light to others. We must be willing to suffer physically and emotionally in order for others to see God’s love in the hopes that they can stop being sinners and be born again. We need to help heal the root of the problem of sin and not attack the sinner. It is a spiritual problem.

In living with the sins of this world we end up suffering and dying to self, this is God's refiner's fire, we are refined like gold. Once the gold is refined it has no impurities left, it is pure gold. Just like pure gold is totally refined, so are we refined in this life into God's pure love, which is when we are totally refined of our inequities. We all need to look forward to this for ourselves. When you are purified as gold, that is the point where you count everything joy, even if it seems everybody in this world is against you. God’s Word says we will be persecuted. Count it joy when others persecute you because of Jesus Name, because they are not really persecuting you but Jesus that is in you.

A sinner will sin, but a born again believer will not sin (at least any sin that the born again believer has knowledge of). So we need to look forward to the sinner no longer being a sinner, but a born again believer. In the mean time if we aren’t pure yet, let us count it joy when we suffer for others.

Your Brother In Christ,

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