Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Greater Blessings

God offers many blessings, but what are the greatest blessings?

When we have just had a car accident with another car, is the blessing that we weren’t hurt or is it more of a blessing that the people in the other car were not hurt or killed? For the probability of the people in the other car being ready to meet the Lord at that time is not very good.

Is the greater blessing knowing and feeling God working in your life, or is it knowing and seeing other people being blessed by God working through you?

Is the greater blessing knowing your eternity is safe in the Lord, or is it more of a blessing knowing that others have that same assurance?

Is it enough knowing God loves us, or are you not satisfied until others know God’s love also?

Are we considered spiritually alive when God enters our life, or are we really alive when we are living for others?

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