Hello fellow citizens,
Over the years we have seen our country go from a nation under God, to a nation of gods. We have evolved our country from a nation with a government serving God and His people to having a government being a collective of the people in order to serve ourselves. We have rejected God and made for ourselves a new god. Our government is now our country’s new god.
So why did we go from one God to another god? The reason for this is that everyone needs a god. We were all created to have a god. Through out history this is why you will see every nation, tribe, and people search out a god or gods of their choice. The reasons why everyone needs a god is the subject I would like to discuss. There are a few reasons why we all need and search out a god of our choice. The first reason is that people end up realizing that they are not in control of their environment and people around them. We all search out the comfort of a higher authority that is in control. The second reason comes out of the fact that most of us want this higher authority, which is in control, to bless us so that all our selfish desires and requirements will be met. The third reason is the one we see the least of. It is to search out God and His righteousness so we can have and then live by His righteousness. This last reason is why any true Christian will search out the true God, but our country has not decided to go the way of righteousness. Our country has chosen a god that will take control and will give them the freedom to live a life of sin and not have to suffer for the consequences of their sin, or so they believe. People think this new god of our nation’s choosing will provide the eventual utopia to fulfill their most selfish wants. They don’t realize that the lusts of our selfishness can never be quenched. There are still a few people that want righteousness, but since their numbers have become the minority, the majority of the unrighteous people’s voice has spoken. Whether you and I asked for this change, we are all included as the people of this nation. Even though we are a few, we make up a part of the whole. So when I talk about “us” or “we” as a nation, I am talking about our nation as a whole.
There is a realization that when people have to associate with other people, we will need to have some higher governing authority to make rules for everyone to live by. We have transformed our government into this higher authority. We used to have God as our higher authority, but His commandments were too restrictive, so now we have made our government the higher power to represent and rule the collective. As long as a person lives physically on this earth, they will need rules of a higher authority to live by, so people will be restricted in acting out the full extent of their selfishness, where they would cause to much negative consequences to others. We have realized that a higher authority other then ourselves needs to provide this balance, so each person’s evil desires is regulated. To live in a society, the society as a whole must live by the same rules and values or else chaos erupts. As long as there is selfishness, their must be laws and rules. If we lived by God’s love and not by selfishness, there would be no need for laws, rules, or enforcement of any laws and rules. The path our country has chosen to live by is the way of selfishness, so we will need a lot of laws and rules. We are wanting a world free of the consequences of our selfish sin, but as long as there is sin, their will have to be laws, rules, and consequences.
Our nation no longer accepts that God is the one that defines what is right and wrong, but man, because we have decided that right and wrong are relative when it comes to the time line, people’s acceptance, and circumstances. As our acceptance of sin and circumstances change, we needed a god that will change the rules as needed. We needed a government that would decide what was best for the people based on what the people wanted.
We used to have a constitution based on God’s morals, but now we have chosen to make our own rules. This is why we needed to change our government from the old Godly ways to a new way “we the people” agree on as a whole. We now have a government that is no longer restricted by God’s morals and commandments, but a government that much more matches the wishes of the people. You have heard our government leaders say “we are not a Christian nation, but a nation of many beliefs”. This is the path we have chosen.
We have also given our government the power to make sure everyone has the freedom of free speech as long as it doesn’t go against the ideals and the progressive movements of the day. If freedom of speech was not limited, which seems like an oxymoron statement, there would be to much hurt feelings and people taking actions into their own hands and possibly causing dissention between people with different beliefs. We have let our nation be infected with many ungodly beliefs, so now we have more laws and rules to live by. These new laws have been enacted to protect these other ungodly beliefs. This cancer has now taken over and protected itself from the beliefs of our real Christian heritage. Anyone that chooses to oppose this cancer and speak out about Jesus Christ and their Christian beliefs will now be heavily persecuted. The God of heaven says: “Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.” Matt 10:32-33. So it is up to each one of us to determine if we will be acknowledged or disowned by the God of heaven. The God of heaven also says: “But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars — their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death." Rev 21:8. If a person says they believe in God and His Son, but is unwilling to fight for God’s truth and His righteousness, then they will be treated as an unbeliever. There is no middle of the road position you can take when it comes to believing in the God of heaven. If you are one of the unbelievers that want this new god of selfishness or you are too cowardly to stand up for God and His truth, then you will not be acknowledged by the God of heaven and you will be disowned as belonging to Him.
We have also given the responsibility to teach our children values and morals to our government. They are teaching our children the new ways and how to depend on our new god for all their needs. We have accepted that the old ways that the older generation grew up with were actually outdated and what they believed must have been a lie. The government has made sure to correct any history books about any facts that they don’t want our children to know, because some of the original writings might start them thinking the Godly way again. Our government is teaching our children to understand that they are finally being taught the truth and that children now know more than the parents.
With our new god, the nation can feel at ease and accept people no matter what their sexual preference is. With our old God, these unacceptable people had to stay in the closet with their secrets, but now almost everything is acceptable and they are free at last to feel normal. What used to be unacceptable is now the norm of the day. Previously, sex out of marriage was looked down upon, but now is encouraged by our society. Even marriage is considered old fashion and unnecessary by some. Instead of trying to keep pornography hidden and out of site of young eyes, our new god promotes this evil for the money making possibilities and is figuring out how to tax it. Our government no longer wants to stop sin, but wants to tax it. There are a few issues that our society still looks down on, like having sex with children, but I am confident that in time, this will be totally open and acceptable too. With this new god, the rules can change to suit the acceptance of the people.
This new god we have created is thought by some that it should eventually stop all stealing since the government will make everybody share everything they have with everyone else. If someone has too much, depending on what our government determines, they will take it from the rich and give it to the poor. Theoretically the poor will have no more reason to steal, because all their needs will be met by our new god.
People have been convinced that our new god can bring heaven down to earth. If everyone would just share everything with each other, then everyone would be happy and content, at least that is the goal of our government. This is not a new idea, some very Godly and Christian people in the first church times tried this. It was a big success for everyone that actually shared and loved everyone else in the group, but it didn’t turn out so good for two people, a husband and wife. This husband and wife sold their land and decided to keep part of the money for them selves. When it was brought to their attention by the elders of the group, God’s Spirit killed them on the spot. In the future, it will be interesting to see if our new god will take upon themselves the place of the real God and kill anyone when they don’t want to share? After all we have given our new god the right to say who lives and who dies. We have also given our god the right to judge who actually is a human being and who isn’t - by their own understanding. We have decided as a nation that there really isn’t a spiritual God, so we now need to handle these issues of the power over life and death to our own understanding. It will all come down to, what is the value of that life to society and how much productivity is left in that person’s life for the benefit of the collective.
Our old God said that “It shall be done on earth as it is in heaven”. I wonder if making people give to people they don’t want to give to will be like heaven. I wonder what this new heaven on earth will be without God’s love as the works behind the giving. Could we really have a heaven on earth without the God of heaven?
At the end of the day, when we die and we are no longer part of this so called “earthly heaven”, then everybody will find out if there really is a spiritual God. If the God of heaven actually ends up being real, will it be good enough to say that we were a law abiding citizen of this sinful world? Will Jesus accept us into His heaven after we have rejected His way, His truth, and His light? Jesus calls us to be courageous and to live for His glory. There are no cowards in heaven!
It is time to think hard on what you believe,
Michael W Reid
Friday, August 21, 2009
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