We have heard many times about the “Separation of Church and State” clause in our constitution. Even though this phrase doesn't exist in our constitution, people have come to believe in it. Most people have been deceived by the devil’s lies into thinking that this means the law keeps the church from interfering in our government affairs. Actually the opposite is true. It was put in our constitution to protect the church from any interference from the state or governments of our country. Why was this so important to put in? It was because the founders of our country knew that God’s kingdom laws were higher and superseded any laws that could be made by man. Our constitution was meant to protect God’s laws, His freedoms, and His ways even over our own man made laws.
So why do our church leaders and all of us that are supposed to belong to these churches let the laws of the state interfere with God’s laws, commandments, and freedoms. Why don’t we take advantage of God’s freedom to proclaim God’s truth over any other laws that are in conflict with the commandments of God? Why have the churches of our nation submitted to the laws of the land instead of the laws of God? It is because we have become cowards and greedy to keep the business of the church growing, instead of keeping God’s kingdom growing.
One of the big reasons for this is the misunderstanding of what the church really is. The church is not the business operations of the church. It is not the building believers gather at. It is not a certain denomination. It is not where we tithe to. It is not where we hear the Word of God spoken, but from whom God’s Word is spoken. It is not where we come to grow in the Word of God. So what is it then? The church is made up of true born again Christians that are currently in God’s kingdom and their main purpose is to bring God’s kingdom down to earth. God’s church is not something visible to the naked eye, because God’s church is totally spiritual. Anytime God’s church is present, then people will see the results of God’s kingdom in the good works performed through His witnesses. God’s church has been given the charge to make sure that God’s “Will” is done on earth as it is in heaven. It is not God’s will that His laws be obeyed only as long as we can do them by obeying the laws of the land. God’s church only obeys God’s commands (the laws of His kingdom); because God’s commands will always supersede man’s laws. The reason for this is, if any of man’s laws conflict with God’s laws, then they are evil and must be overruled and thrown out of any Christian’s way of life. Any evil law(s) that man may make might be allowed for a time in the non-Christian’s life or a whole nation that is lost, but they can never be allowed for anyone that is in His kingdom.
So who is it that makes up God’s kingdom? It is prophets, because everyone in God’s kingdom is a prophet to a certain extent, because they all proclaim God’s truth, which has been opened up to them by the Holy Spirit. There are also preachers, because everyone in God’s kingdom is a preacher to a certain extent, because they all preach the good news of Christ. There are pastors, because everyone in His kingdom is a pastor to a certain extent, because they all take on the responsibility for God’s flock. Everybody in God’s kingdom are also teachers, because they all teach of God’s kingdom and mentor others about God and how to be Christ like. Last, but not least, everybody in God’s kingdom loves God and others in everything they think and do.
If we are to be called God’s church, than nothing can stand in the way of bringing and doing His kingdom here on earth. There can be no man made laws that regulate God’s kingdom, so there is no man made laws that have dominion over God’s kingdom. If we are instructed by our government’s laws to go against God’s kingdom and accept something evil as good, then we are to break that law. If the state says we cannot preach politics and/or reveal what candidate(s) are evil or good, then we are to break those laws and suffer losing the tax exempt status and/or be willing to go to jail for proclaiming God’s truth. If man’s laws say we cannot speak against homosexual and gay behavior, because that is deemed hate speech, we are to speak out on it anyway and call it the evil that it is. If any church is not willing to do these things and go against the laws of man when God’s laws and ways are in conflict with man’s laws, then that church body is not part of God’s kingdom. Man’s laws don’t rule God’s kingdom, instead God’s kingdom must be the rule of man.
If there are laws that take the place of God and give any human being the right to take a life that God has created, just because it is not totally formed yet, born yet, or it is not deemed worthy of living anymore, then we must call that law evil and not abide by that law. We must not only not abide by this law; we must fight against the ruling powers making these laws. Anyone promoting laws like this, we must call them out for who they are and call them evil and of the devil. God is not politically correct. With God, either it is His way or it is deemed evil and of the devil.
If any person, company, or state institution is rejecting God, His Son, or His ways, we must try to lovingly correct them, but if they still reject God, then we must reject them until they repent and come back to God. We must love them, but we cannot accept those that are evil and let them infect the body of Christ. If we continue to support the evil of man, instead of fight the evil and promote God’s kingdom, then we are not of God’s church. As a nation, we have already let to many ungodly laws and beliefs of man infect our church organizations and now they affect what we preach, teach, and how we run “church business”. This has turned into a cancer that has crippled the effectiveness of God’s Word. So anyone proclaiming and making these evil laws, we must not support with any funds or resources God has entrusted to us, which is everything. This includes the governments of our land. This is where the rubber meets the road for most people, because doing something about this requires a lifestyle change. Are we going to keep paying taxes and support an evil empire of the devil that will grow and cause more souls to be lost, or are we going to find ways to support God’s kingdom instead. If you make to much money where it causes you to pay taxes that in turn create more evil, are you willing to work less and/or make less money so you pay little or no money in taxes and stop promoting these evil causes? Maybe you could work the same, but give a lot more of your earned money to good Christian organizations as a donation and pay less or no taxes that way. Maybe we could all work less, live on less money and give a lot more of our time to God’s work. You could decide to stop working for money and go into full time work for God’s glory and depend on God to supply all your needs. Maybe you need to find a different job, because you work for one of these evil companies or governments and then get a new job that will please God instead of supporting an evil entity. There are a lot of options and if you pray about it, I am sure God and you can be creative and figure something out. Some might say; but you don’t understand, I have too many payments and obligations to pay for, I can’t earn less than I do now. Then get rid of the obligations that hold you to this evil system. Sell your house and get a smaller house, or sell your car(s) and drive older model cars. You will probably have to dig into your savings and stocks or use the asset value of a home you need to sell, so you have money to supply for your needs. I know many of you had retirement plans for this money, but that has all changed now. Our retirement is not going to be from our money or things, because God is our retirement. You might have to forfeit your children’s college education for now so you don’t have to be locked into this evil system. The way it is currently going, a college education will not be worth much anyway. People with college educations aren’t even being hired into non-educated positions, because there are not enough jobs anymore, unless you want them to work in the devil’s system. If we are unwilling to do these things for God’s kingdom, because we are unwilling to let go of these things and/or our way of life, then this should convince you that you are not in God’s kingdom, but a person taking part and enjoying the devil’s kingdom.
Our education system has been corrupted to the core and can no longer be used to educate our children for a Godly life. Even though there are some Christians still trying to make a godly difference, the evil is overwhelming any of the goodness of God still left in the public education systems. The public education systems are one of the major tools of the devil to indoctrinate our children into his evil world. It is not just the evil that the governments are making the teachers teach, but also the evil environment of our children’s peers. In today’s system, if our children are in public school and want to have friends, then the children have no choice but to accept and take part in this evil environment. The evil extremists have succeeded in making what used to be something good and turning it into an evil training place of the devil. If we want our children to have any chance of joining the kingdom of God, then we must take them out of this evil environment and teach them about God, His ways, and the life basics at home. If our children are educated in the world’s ways and they acquire more knowledge, but lose their souls to the devil, then all is lost and we have then failed at our mission of bringing up our children in the ways of the Lord.
It is up to the real church of God, the people in God’s kingdom, to do God’s work here on earth. It is true that God’s church is probably just a remnant of what we thought it was, but even God’s first church started out with only 12 disciples. Over time we have lost a lot of the church that could have been realized, but it is also true that in time we can once again make the church glorious to God and overflowing with true spiritual growth.
This is to be a hard and long spiritual war against evil and we need to acknowledge that we must be the warriors for God. This will be the time in our life where we show our true colors. Which side are we really on? Are we going to be cowards and shrink back from what God is calling all of us to do, or are we going to put on the full armor of God and fight for His glory and righteousness? We need to be warriors for God’s kingdom alone. We need to realize that the life we thought we were going to have is no longer in our future, because of the effects of our nation’s sins, but we must fight for God’s glory and for the ones that come after us. Like at the birth of our nation, we now need to fight again for the values and morals that we were founded on, which is God’s love and His righteousness. If our children and grandchildren are going to have any possibilities of the freedoms to worship our Lord the way He requires to be worshiped, then we must fight for God’s righteousness now. For anyone that dedicates them selves to God and this spiritual war, they will have victory, because the victory will come from the Lord.
If any people in a church organization say they are a part of God’s kingdom, then they will need to act like heavenly kingdom disciples and reject any and all evil beliefs and ways. There are only two spiritual kingdoms and we all belong to only one of them. Our devotion to our kingdom and king will help us all see which one we belong to.
The time for cheering from the side lines are over, we need to all get into the war,
Michael W Reid
Monday, August 31, 2009
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